Sorry, you lost me again. I'm a progressive liberal women who's been not only an LGBT ally but a lowkey anti-homophobic activist my whole life. I have no problem dating a bisexul guy, and I surely wouldn't ever manipulate anyone with sex.
This narrative of yours dictates that women are withholding sex to manipulate men, as if men can't go and find sex elsewhere. They can. Not every men but many of them can. What you're saying, however, is you were meeting women and expecting sex from them, and if they declined, you'd tell them you can go sleep with men. Is that what it is? You know, if a man said that to me, I wouldn't care if he was planning to replace me with a man; that's irrelevant since some people are straight and others are bisexual, and everyone should sleep with whoever they want / feel like in accordable with their sexual orientation. The problem for me would be the fact that I stated my boundary, which is not having sex until I'm comfortable to do so, and a man going: "that's cool, I'll go sleep with someone else, I can replace you in as little as few hours". If that happened, I would have laughed in his face, stood up and left, while laughing like crazy. I'm not interested in someone like that, and I couldn't care less if he could get a man or a woman to sleep with them in a few hours. If I just wanted to bang them and not call them the next day, then I wouldn't care what kind of a personality they had. But if I was looking to date someone and they showed me that they didn't care about me - the door is right there.