This is a good point. But there is also a hidden market of... wait for it... extraverted introverts! :)
Or introverted extroverts. I'm not sure which one sounds better, but I identify as an extroverted introvert. It dictates being happy while staying alone or with a small group of very close friends; and also enjoying being outside and going to events once in a while - and truly liking it.
I'm not sure why is it white or black for some... Like many other things in life, it's grey. Most people don't land on the "100% introvert" or "100% extrovert" on the introvert-extrovert spectrum. Yes, it's a spectrum, just like many others.
But anyway - everyone decides what works for them. I wouldn't reject someone on an app or in real life, because they had pictures at events / mentioned enjoying activities once in a while.