This is interesting, I’ve never heard of an anti-men environment in colleges. According to the news and feedback I hear from women, colleges are still full of exclusive male groups, and while women might be getting extra scholarships from private organizations, 1) those are made to address the long-standing education trends created by the patriarchy; 2) the sports clubs, which is a source of many scholarships, are mostly directed towards men, not women. Meaning, male athletes still outnumber and out earn female ones, and to be fair, the male-centered spots gets more attention and views. I don’t have an issue with that as I’ve never watched female football, lol. But you’re forgetting that colleges have been catering to men for decades, and the “boys clubs” didn’t go anywhere. I don’t think that women getting a bit more support here and there is anti-male. Also, women still face harassment and sexual assaults much, much more compared to men in college, and yet women don’t say the college environment is anti-female.
I’m not sure if the top 10% men theory is true. Sure, shallow people always prioritize looks and money. But do you see women complaining about men objectifying us, selecting the girls with biggest boobs, shiniest hair and small waists? Not really. Such men exist but no one wants to be with one. As for the income levels, I can attest to being totally fine dating someone who earns less than me. I’d date a McDonalds cashier if he was a good person and at least had ambitions. The problem is, some men want to “date up” and then feel insecure and resent their partners for being more successful. Some even resort to bringing them down and emotionally abusing them so that those women wouldn’t get away.
To sum this up, I don’t think it’s a matter of money. In fact, anyone who believes in social status is an automatic red flag. I think the problem is that tons of people have awful personalities. I, as a woman, would rather be single and happy than with a man who talks about the supposed anti-men environment in college because of women’s scholarships, about the top 10% men myth, and etc. All that is not just factually questionable, but quite disturbing.