Ukrainian here. You are correct that some Ukrainians women seek foreign husbands, because it’s their chance to get out of poverty, especially right now. Having that said, Russia’s war against Ukraine actually motivated many Ukrainians to become more in tune with their roots, and many Ukrainians women want to date Ukrainians men, especially soldiers, because the Ukrainian Army is defending the country so damn well. By the way, not too many men have died in the war so far… The Ukrainians governing isn’t releasing the numbers of Ukrainians soldiers who died, as they don’t want to demotivate the nation. But since it’s believe that 85,000 or so Russian men died, it’s not as nearly as many Ukrainians. Also, 15-20% of the Ukrainian army are women.
I don’t judge Olga and other women who search for husbands overseas. However, anyone who looks for a partner to mooch off financially or emotionally, is a horrible human being. An Olga can do get a useful education and earn more money than a Marko. Any Olga can use her brain to take care of herself. But instead, some Olgas choose to look for men with money so that they don’t have to use their brains or work. So, such Olgas pretty much sell their “services” in exchange for money. Sorry, but I don’t see much of a difference between that and prostitution. But to each their own!